Hiring incentives
UC President's Initiative
The salary hiring incentive supports former fellows in all fields and provides 5 years of partial salary support to the campus. For information about campus implementation, please contact your department chair or dean.
In 2024, University of California Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine Newman committed $1,000,000 to provide start-up hiring incentive funds for President's and Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellows in (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields and disciplines with high start-up costs who were appointed since 1996 and obtain tenure-track faculty appointments at one of the UC campuses.
To learn more about the faculty hiring incentives, please refer to the President's letter, the Provost's letter, STEM start-up approval letter, and the PPFP/CFP Faculty Hiring Incentive FAQs.
Search committees interested in implementing best practices in hiring can find current guidance from the Academic Senate here>>
To search a directory of fellows who are eligible for the hiring incentive, visit the Fellows directory page >>