Advancing excellence through faculty diversity

Rosalia Lerner


B.A., Dance and Performance Studies, University of California, Berkeley; M.A., Performance Studies, New York University; Ph.D., Critical Dance Studies, University of California, Riverside


“Get Well Soon!” Sick Bodied Performance in Chronic Conditions

Thesis Advisor:

Maria Firmino-Castillo, Professor of Dance, University of California, Riverside

Research Topic:

Centers artistic and intellectual work of 21st century chronically ill or unwell queer and trans contemporary performance artists to consider how chronic illness, sickness, and disability may enact alternative ontologies of political resistance and anti-capitalist possibility.


SanSan Kwan, Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, University of California, Berkeley

Current Position:

President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, University of California, Berkeley

See Profile of Rosalia Lerner